Art Singel 100  
Amsterdam Contemporary Art Gallery / Galerie voor hedendaagse kunst

Art Singel 100 is 34 years active and part of the art scene of Amsterdam
The gallery is located at 8 minutes walk from the Central Station





Gallery Program




Alberto Carrera
Liesbeth Rahder
Herve Martijn
Judith Heinsohn
Jan van Eden

Esther Levigne
Hugo Keizer
Ger Meinema
Jorge Gay Molins
Jean Bilquin

Achnaton Nassar

Philippe Bouttens
Colette Curfs
Milous Heunks
Tomoko Kawachi
Patricia Lippert
Anton Martineau
Tejo Philips
Pol Mara
Victor Pedra

Mapi Rivera
Chiel Vluggen
Marianne Vollmer
Sadik Kwaish

André de Jong
Maayke Schuitema

Josef Karl   
Unni Askeland
Evelyn Jansen
Harry van der Woud
Diego Pombo
Raymond Boekelder
Manolo Belzunce
Andreas Helfeld



B&B Singel 100


Jan van Eden

Fundacion vanES





XLarge formats - Heraldic


Belphoebe, 1997, Oil and acrylic on cotton, 150x200 cm, Exhibition: Tarazona 2003, Reference: 972002

in memoriam Herman Schrickx




Belphoebe, Chastity, grace and courage, 2003, Oil and acrylic on cotton, 150x200 cm, Exhibition: Tarazona 2003, Reference: 032001




Belphoebe, The Chase, 2003, Oil and acrylic on cotton, 150x200 cm, Exhibition: Tarazona 2003, Reference: 032002




Belphoebe - Chastity, grace and courage, 1996, Oil and acrylic on cotton, 200x150 cm, Reference: 960825
Collection: Mw Kitty Nijhuis, Amsterdam [2013]




Excerpts from The Faerie Queene: Book IIII, cant. VII

Whilest thus in battell they embusied were,
Belphebe raunging in that forrest wide,
The hideous noise of their huge strokes did heare,
And drew thereto, making her eare her guide.
Whom when that theefe approching nigh espide,
With bow in hand, and arrowes ready bent,
He by his former combate would not bide,
But fled away with ghastly dreriment,
Well knowing her to be his deaths sole instrument.


Whom seeing flie, she speedily poursewed
With winged feete, as nimble as the winde;
And euer in her bow she ready shewed
The arrow, to his deadly marke desynde,
As when Latonaes daughter cruell kynde,
In vengement of her mothers great disgrace,
With fell despight her cruell arrowes tynde
Gainst wofull Niobes vnhappy race,
That all the gods did mone her miserable case.


So well she sped her and so far she ventred,
That ere vnto his hellish den he raught,
Euen as he ready was there to haue entred,
She sent an arrow forth with mighty draught,
That in the very dore him ouercaught,
And in his nape arriuing, through it thrild
His greedy throte, therewith in two distraught,
That all his vitall spirites thereby spild,
And all his hairy brest with gory bloud was fild.

Edmund Spenser



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