Art Singel 100  
Amsterdam Contemporary Art Gallery / Galerie voor hedendaagse kunst

Art Singel 100 is 34 years active and part of the art scene of Amsterdam
The gallery is located at 8 minutes walk from the Central Station





Gallery Program




Alberto Carrera
Liesbeth Rahder
Herve Martijn
Judith Heinsohn
Jan van Eden

Esther Levigne
Ger Meinema
Jorge Gay Molins
Jean Bilquin

Achnaton Nassar

Philippe Bouttens
Colette Curfs
Milous Heunks
Tomoko Kawachi
Patricia Lippert
Anton Martineau
Tejo Philips
Pol Mara
Victor Pedra

Mapi Rivera
Chiel Vluggen
Marianne Vollmer
Sadik Kwaish

André de Jong
Maayke Schuitema

Josef Karl   
Unni Askeland
Evelyn Jansen
Harry van der Woud
Diego Pombo
Raymond Boekelder



B&B Singel 100


Jan van Eden

Fundacion vanES





Unni Askeland





Unni Askeland is one of a number of the new high profiled artists on the Nordic art scene.

For her there exists no "gap between art and life". In a series of spraycan paintings called "Munchadoptions" Unni Askeland takes as a startpoint the work of the famous Norwegian artist. What does it signify to adopt the Norwegian master with the paint of the reality of suburban concrete? It's like injecting a dimension of todays world in the work of Munch. But it's also to adopt a Kiss or a Scream into todays harsh and instant society, into our lives where history and perspective lose more and more ground. It's like connecting the instantaneousness of the hip‑hop kids graffiti, with the expression of the reflective. It's also, and to a very high degree, to show respect for Munch, but simulteaneously no respect at all to the institutionalization that has been constructed around his work. [ by Jonas Stampe]




Uni Askeland, 2002, Black Joy, Ref. as0201




Uni Askeland, 2003, Munch Adopsjon Aske, Ref. as0301




Uni Askeland, 2003, Munch Adopsjon Livets dans 1, Ref. as0302




Uni Askeland, 2003, Munch Adopsjon Kvimnne i tre stadier 2, Ref. as0303