Art Singel 100  
Amsterdam Contemporary Art Gallery / Galerie voor hedendaagse kunst

Art Singel 100 is 34 years active and part of the art scene of Amsterdam
The gallery is located at 8 minutes walk from the Central Station





Gallery Program




Alberto Carrera
Liesbeth Rahder
Herve Martijn
Judith Heinsohn
Jan van Eden

Esther Levigne
Ger Meinema
Jorge Gay Molins
Jean Bilquin

Achnaton Nassar

Philippe Bouttens
Colette Curfs
Milous Heunks
Tomoko Kawachi
Patricia Lippert
Anton Martineau
Tejo Philips
Pol Mara
Victor Pedra

Mapi Rivera
Chiel Vluggen
Marianne Vollmer
Sadik Kwaish

André de Jong
Maayke Schuitema

Josef Karl   
Unni Askeland
Evelyn Jansen
Harry van der Woud
Diego Pombo
Raymond Boekelder



B&B Singel 100


Jan van Eden

Fundacion vanES






Manolo Belzunce


exhibition of paintings  22nd February  - 22nd March 2014

In collaboration with the Spanish Embassy in the Netherlands and Sala Dalmau (Barcelona)

The exhibition will be opened by D. Fernando Fernández-Aguayo , Counsellor  of the Embassy of Spain in The Hague (The Netherlands)








Manuel Belzunce Lorca (Murcia) 1944.

1961-Studies in the School of Arts and Crafts of Murcia
Works as an apprentice at Litografía Belkrom, Murcia.
Works on publicity for Alas. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
1971- Returns to Murcia and the same year leaves to Brussels, Belgium.
Settles in Barcelona. Professor of artistic drawing at the School of Arts and Crafts of Rubí (Barcelona)
Moves to St. Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona). Cofounder of the Yerba group, exhibits in several European cities. With this group he develops an important activity in art workshops and exhibitions.
Thanks to a grant of the Ministry of culture of France,  lives for three months in Poitiers.

2005- Onwards he spends long periods of time in Africa (Mali, Mozambique..)


An Approach by Belzunce to Eugene Delacroix´s  The Women of Algiers.

To speak about this latest series of Manolo Belzunce’s works, we could begin with a brief overview of his African travels. Africa is, for this ever-enquiring artist, an ever-present feature which becomes more intense with the passing of time. As long ago as 1997, and as the result of his first trip there, he created a poetic series which he titled as “Africa; my love”. Since that time, the African continent was to be an intense passion for Manolo Belzunce; cultures, hidden and unknown;  new landscapes never before seen; people with movements and rhythms different to ours. Already he had travelled to Australia, part of Asia and now he intensifies his trips, in part in a random way, of the African continent; possibly the least known of all. Mauritania, Mozambique, Mali, the Sahara, South Africa, ... impossible to find differences more profound in geography, light, structures, people, smells and colours. Every one of those excites and incites the artist.

Frequently Manolo Belzunce turns to myths, to classic works, to the grand allegories of the divinities, or to history, to justify his compositions. Now, in this African journey, the composition is born of nature, of the people, of the animals which cross our path. From myth and history they assume a life.



Exhibition at Art Singel 100 - February 2014  [be14expo02]




Exhibition at Art Singel 100 - February 2014  [be14expo03]




Manuel Belzunce, "Las mujeres de Argel, Variaciones sobre la obra de E.Delacroix" 2013,

Mixta/tabla, 80 x 98 cm,

Ref. be1303




Manuel Belzunce, "Las mujeres de Argel, Variaciones sobre la obra de E.Delacroix" 2013,

Mixta/tabla, 60 x 78 cm, Ref. be1309




Manuel Belzunce, "Las mujeres de Argel, Variaciones sobre la obra de E.Delacroix" 2013,
Mixta/tabla, 80 x 100 cm, Ref. be1308




Manuel Belzunce,
"Las mujeres de Argel, Variaciones sobre la obra de E.Delacroix" 2013,
Mixta/tabla, 60 x 78 cm,
Ref. be1305




Manuel Belzunce, "Las mujeres de Argel, Variaciones sobre la obra de E.Delacroix" 2013,
Mixta/tabla, 80 x 62 cm,
Ref. be1307


Manuel Belzunce,
"Las mujeres de Argel, Variaciones sobre la obra de E.Delacroix" 2013,
Mixta/tabla, 62 x 80 cm,
Ref. be1307


Manolo Belzunce, Lorca (Murcia), Spain 1944

Vaak richt Manolo Belzunce zich tot mythen, tot klassieke werkenen de grote allegorieën van de geschiedenis, om zijn werk inhoudelijk

te steunen. Nu, in de werken op deze tentoonstelling, worden de composities geboren uit het beroemde schilderij “Les femmes

d’Alger” uit 1834 van Eugene Delacroix. De gevarieerde houdingen van de vrouwen en de oriëntaalse ornamentiek in het schilderij van

Delacroix zijn een onuitputtelijke bron van inspiratie voor Belzunce, en, kunnen we hier aan toevoegen, was het ook voor de spanjaard

Pablo Picasso. Zowel de compositie met liggende en staande figuren als de rijkdom in patronen vinden we terug in het werk van

Belzunce. Hij vond hierin een omhulling van de overweldigende indruk die Afrika op hem maakte gedurende zijn veelvuldige bezoeken

aan dit continent.