Art Singel 100  
Amsterdam Contemporary Art Gallery / Galerie voor hedendaagse kunst





Gallery Program




Alberto Carrera
Liesbeth Rahder
Herve Martijn
Jan van Eden

Esther Levigne
Ger Meinema
Jorge Gay Molins
Jean Bilquin

Achnaton Nassar

Philippe Bouttens
Colette Curfs
Milous Heunks
Tomoko Kawachi
Patricia Lippert
Anton Martineau
Tejo Philips
Pol Mara
Victor Pedra

Mapi Rivera
Chiel Vluggen
Marianne Vollmer
Sadik Kwaish
André de Jong
Maayke Schuitema

Josef Karl   
Unni Askeland
Evelyn Jansen
Harry van der Woud





van Eden-




Harry van der Woud

    Exhibition at Art Singel 100 -  May 2009














Exhibition at Art Singel 100 -  May 2009   [wo09ex11]


Born in Leeuwarden, Friesland, The Netherlands. Living and working in Amsterdam. Graduated at Academy Minerva, Groningen in 1988.

"Since the man is essentially naked and has nothing but his own view on how to shape truths and realities, I am deeply surprised by the current emphasis on so-called tangible reality, a concept readily accepted and accommodated without any form of analysis or discussion. I am trying to make sense of the view of man being disjointed like grains of sand, yet at the same time being assembled from parts of many different people, cut up and torn.  It Is this element that turns the collages in my sketchbooks and paintings into a metaphor : they bind and they bandage"
 (fragment catalog Harry van der Woud 2008)




Harry van der Woud, "the distance you radiate is extremely attractive said one planet to another", Oil/acrylic/enamel paint/canvas, 160x160 cm, Ref. wo0901 




















Harry van der Woud, Self-portrait ex aequo, Oil, acrylic, ink/canvas, 100x100 cm, Ref. wo0803 

















Harry van der Woud, Self-portrait with table,  Oil, acrylic, ink/canvas, 140x160 cm, Ref. wo0804

















Harry van der Woud, Self-portrait on table, Oil, acrylic, ink /cloth/plastic/canvas, 130x170 cm, Ref. wo0805

















Harry van der Woud, Self-portrait as martyr, Oil, acrylic, enamel paint/varnished prints/canvas, 140x160 cm, Ref. wo0802



































Harry van der Woud, "man en fiets/man and bicycle",  "schizothymie/schizothymia" and  "in het verpleeghuis/in the nursery"

Mixed media on canvas, 18 x 24 cm, Ref. wo0902, wo0903 and wo0904


link to exhibition at Art Singel 100:


Barend Blankert, Frank Lenferink and Harry van der Woud
7th April through 18th May 2013